河源氣泡袋 揭陽氣泡袋 梅州氣泡袋 肇慶氣泡袋 茂名氣泡袋
- 價格范圍:0.02元/個
- 供應數量:89789900
- 所在區域:廣東
- 產品類別:
- 發布時間:2016-08-31 03:02:01
- 東莞市吉祥包裝材料有限公司
- 聯系人:劉光焱(先生)經理
- 電話:18682011505
- 手機:0769-87796626
- 傳真:0769-27205590
- 地址:東莞市樟木頭鎮柏地工業區
Bubble film making and says air cushion film, the steam bead glue, bubble volumes, and so on, the use of low density polyethylene processing and into, is the widespread use of a transparent flexible packaging materials, used widely. Its principle is based on film contains form air bubbles to prevent products, ensure products impact is shaken protect, also has the function of the heat preservation heat insolation, suitable for people from all walks of life different product packaging or the use of turnover!!!!! Because air cushion film layer full of air, so the body is light, elastic, with sound insulation, shockproof, prevent wear performance, it is waterproof, moistureproof, compression.
Bubble bag and single and double two points, single bubble bag appropriate protect their own weight is light products, double bubble bag shock force strong suits the volume greater heavier items packaging. Single, ? According to the noodles paper different classification: bubble bag
Kraft paper bubble bag, pearly membrane bubble bag, aluminium platinum bubble bag, transparent bubble bag (have two, three cent)
According to the material is different bubble bag classification:
Ordinary bubble bag, antistatic bubble bag, conducting electrostatic bubble bag.
Our company is specialized in producing all kinds of color of the single/double bubble bag (bubble diameter 30 MM / 25 MM / 22 MM / 10 MM / 5 MM), red antistatic bubble bag, kraft paper bubble bag, environmental protection material bubbles in the bag, thickening bubbles bags, aluminum foil bag, and steam beads and printing. Special bubbles in the bag bag of many specifications... Has the sound insulation, heat insulation, prevent alkali, moisture-proof and waterproof, heat preservation effect such as; Application range
At present the main product packaging for post. Bubble bag with damping bubble film making, bubble film making millions of tiny bubbles