- 價格范圍:1.00元/套
- 供應數量:445
- 所在區域:廣東
- 產品類別:
- 發布時間:2016-10-15 03:05:40
- 深圳市桑尼威爾電子有限公司
- 聯系人:丘先生(先生)經理
- 電話:13554829049
- 手機:0755-83045321
- 傳真:0755-83045321
- 地址:福田區南光捷佳大廈3012
CCDCMOS 圖像傳感器 ICX274AQ 供貨商:深圳市桑尼威爾電子有限公司,成立于2006年,公司專注于SONY,SHARP,APTINA,OmmVision等品牌的監控、攝像、照相、工業相機、行車記錄儀、高拍儀......等的感光器件(Image CCD,CMOS),光學器件等代理銷售,遠銷歐美、東南亞、日本等國。公司一律保證產品質量,質量第一,誠信至上。 深圳市桑尼威爾電子有限公司,成立于2006年,公司專注于SONY,SHARP,APTINA,OmmVision等品牌的監控、攝像、照相、工業相機、行車記錄儀、高拍儀......等的感光器件(Image CCD,CMOS),光學器件等代理銷售,遠銷歐美、東南亞、日本等國。公司一律保證產品質量,質量第一,誠信至上。需要規格書可以找我要。13823278789,qq:9308762
ICX274AQ:Diagonal 8.923mm (Type 1/1.8) Progressive Scan CCD Image Sensor with Square Pixel for Color Cameras
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Sony reserves the right to change products and specifications without prior notice. This information does not convey any license by
any implication or otherwise under any patents or other right. Application circuits shown, if any, are typical examples illustrating the
operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits.
20 pin DIP (Plastic)
The ICX274AQ is a diagonal 8.923mm (Type 1/1.8)
interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square
pixel array and 2.01M effective pixels. Progressive
scan allows all pixels' signals to be output
independently within approximately 1/15 second,
and output is also possible using various addition
and pulse elimination methods. This chip features an
electronic shutter with variable charge-storage time