UQK-02-C-Z type float level controller is is widely used in ship chemical indusryother industrial instrument to controlalarm the level in tank by tow position type
UQK-02-C-Z is added self-check function on the basis of UQK-02C,namely
Self-check Marine Float Level Controller,which can be moved the operating handle to detect theControllersystem under the state of equipment working in order to assure the controller and
System operate safely
型 號 Model UQK-02-C -Z UQK-02-C/B-Z
安裝形式 Mounting type 側 裝 Horizontal mounting
開關結構 Switch type 單點兩位式 SPDT
觸點容量 Contact capacity SPDT AC;220/10A DC125V/0.6A
切換差mm Switching error 25~550(mm)
介子比重 Medium gravity ≥0.85
介子溫度 Medium temp ≤200℃
工作壓力 Working pressure 1.0MPa
防爆標記 EXdIIBT3~T5
防護等級 Protection IP68
整定方式 Regulated type 分級可調整 grading&adjustable
浮球直徑 Float dia D mm Φ60