Description : HP 70951A Optical Sperum Analyzer (OSA). This module is a plugin for the mainframe 70004A. Together the OSA.the mainframe were identified as HP 71451A. Specs at a glance for the 70951A * Wavelength Range: 600 nm - 1700 nm * Resolution Accuracy: (> 0.5 nm, 1250 nm - 1600 nm): ± 20% Agilent Option List for Optical Sperum Analyzers * 001: Current Source * 002: White Light Source * 003: Swept PDL kit for model 70951B ONLY * 122: Improved dynamic range.noise maker accuracy for Model 70952B ONLY Applications The 70951A.the 71451A Optical Sperum Analyzer is a diffraion-grating based optical sperum analyzer that provides speral measurements of optical power versus wavelength.advanced funions for measuring.charaerizing optical components, amplifiers, LEDs, DBF lasers,.Fabry-Perot lasers.