根據客戶需求可定做非標準壓機(Non-standard press can be customized according to customer demand.)
產品特點(product feature)
1..C型機身設計,整體鑄造,性能穩定,占用空間小,方便操作。(The C-body design,whole body cast,stable performance,use small space and easy to operate.)
2.活塞桿機械限位,下壓行程可調,定位精度0.02mm。(Rod mechanical limit,under pressure stroke adjustable,positioning accuracy 0.22mm)
3.壓力頭配有壓力傳感器,可顯示實際壓力。(Pressure head equipped with a pressure sensor,the value of pressure can be displayed.)
4.按鍵與腳踏兩種循環啟動方式,任意調整下壓速度與時間。(Key and Foot Switch two cycle start modes,Pressure Speed and time can be adjusted arbitratily)
5.安全設計,采用雙手操作,設有急停和上下點動功能。(Safety design,using both hands to operate,with mergency stop and jog up and down function.)
6.下壓行程具有快進和工進兩種速度,快進速度提高工作效率,工進速度可任意調節,保護模具,提高產品質量。(Downward movement with the fast and feeding speed,the fast forward improve product quality.)
7.廣泛用于零部件的壓型、壓彎、沖孔、壓印,及軸類零件的校正和壓裝等。(Widely used in parts of the press forming,stretching,bending,punching,stamping,shaft alignment and press-fit,ect.)
8.紅外線保護裝置(選用)。(Infrared protection can be configured(Optional).)