[摘要] 目的 探討雙胎妊娠絨毛膜性質對孕婦妊娠期并發癥及圍生兒預后的影響。 方法 選取2009年1月~2014年1月延安市婦幼保健院產科收治的雙胎妊娠產婦102例,根據絨毛膜性質將其分為單絨毛膜組(57例)和雙絨毛膜組(45例),比較兩組母體妊娠并發癥及圍生兒預后情況。 結果 單絨毛膜組圍生兒的新生兒窒息率及圍生兒病死率(25.44%、9.65%)均顯著高于雙絨毛膜組(7.78%、2.22),差異均有統計學意義(P < 0.05)。單絨毛膜組妊娠高血壓疾病、妊娠糖尿病、羊水過多、胎膜早破等妊娠期并發癥的發生率(35.09%、19.30%、21.05%、24.56%)均明顯高于雙絨毛膜組(6.67%、4.99%、4.15%、5.79%),差異均有統計學意義(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。 結論 在雙胎妊娠早期對絨毛膜性質進行診斷,有利于臨床工作人員對雙胎妊娠并發癥和圍生兒預后進行有效及時的預防。
[關鍵詞] 雙胎妊娠絨毛膜性質;妊娠期并發癥;圍生兒預后
[中圖分類號] R714.2 [文獻標識碼] A [文章編號] 1673-7210(2015)05(b)-0071-03
Effect of the twin pregnancy chorionic properties on the pregnancy complications of pregnant women and prognosis of neonate
LIU Li WU Lili
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternity and Child Health Care of Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, Yan'an 716000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore effect of the twin pregnancy chorionic properties on the pregnancy comp 本文由WwW. zgazxxw.com提供,畢業論文 網專業代寫教育教學論文和畢業論文以及發表論文服務,歡迎光臨zgazxxw.comlications of pregnant women and prognosis of neonate. Methods 102 cases of gemellary pregnancy from January 2012 to January 2014 in Department of Obstetrics, Maternity and Child Health Care of Yan'an City were selected, they were divided into single chorion group (57 cases) and double chorion group (45 cases) according to the nature of chorionic. The pregnancy complications of pregnant women and prognosis of neonate of two groups were compared. Results The asphyxia rate of neonatal and mortality rate of perinatal infant of the single chorionic group (25.44%, 9.65%) were significantly higher than those of the double chorion group (7.78%, 2.22%), the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05); the incidence of complications during pregnancy such as gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, hydramnios, premature rupture of membranes of the single chorionic group (35.09%, 19.30%, 21.05%, 24.56%) were significantly higher than those of the double chorion group (6.67%, 4.44%, 6.67%, 6.67%), the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Conclusion The early diagnosis of chorionic properties of twin pregnancy is helpful for clinical staff to prevent pregnancy complications of pregnant women and prognosis of neonate effectively and timely.
[Key words] Twin pregnancy chorionic properties; Pregnancy complications; Prognosis of neonate
雙胎妊娠是指在一次妊娠同時有兩個胎兒的情況,近些年由于受到人為有意或無意誘發排卵藥物應用率顯著提高等原因的影響,雙胎妊娠率在我國顯著提高。診斷絨毛膜性質需要根據分娩后胎盤病理檢查確定。如兩個胎盤完全分離,胎兒間隔膜為4層膜組成,則為雙絨毛膜雙羊膜囊(DCDA)雙胎;如胎盤融合為一個,而且胎兒間隔膜由兩層膜組成,則為單絨毛膜雙羊膜囊(MCDA)雙胎;如胎兒間無間隔膜,則為單絨毛膜單羊膜囊(MCMA)雙胎。在孕早期可以用陰道B超做出產前診斷[1-2],本研究對陜西省延安市婦幼保健院(以下簡稱“我院”)產科收治的102例雙胎妊娠孕婦進行觀察,現將觀察情況總結報道如下: 1 資料與方法
1.1 一般資料
選擇2012年1月~2014年1月我院收治的雙胎妊娠孕婦102例,經B超檢查和胎盤胎膜的病理檢查分為單絨毛膜組(57例)和雙絨毛膜組(45例),其中單絨毛膜組年齡19~45歲,平均(22.32±0.91)歲,經產婦27例,初產婦 本文由WwW. zgazxxw.com提供,畢業論文 網專業代寫教育教學論文和畢業論文以及發表論文服務,歡迎光臨zgazxxw.com30例;雙絨毛膜組年齡21~43歲,平均(23.17±1.13)歲,經產婦17例,初產婦28例。兩組孕婦的年齡、孕次、產次比較,差異無統計學意義(P > 0.05),具有可比性。所有入組孕婦均在我院進行產檢和分娩,其雙胎絨毛膜性質均經我院病理組織學檢查確定。本研究經我院醫學倫理委員會批準,所有參與研究者均知情同意并簽屬知情同意書。
1.2 觀察指標
1.3 統計學方法
采用SPSS 16.0統計學軟件進行數據分析,計量資料數據用均數±標準差(x±s)表示,兩組間比較采用t檢驗;計數資料用率表示,組間比較采用χ2檢驗,以P < 0.05為差異有統計學意義。
2 結果
2.1 兩組雙胎妊娠產婦圍生期情況比較
單絨毛膜雙胎妊娠組妊娠高血壓疾病、妊娠糖尿病、羊水過多、胎膜早破等妊娠期并發癥的發生率均高于雙絨毛膜組,差異均有統計學意義(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。見表1。
2.2 兩組圍生兒預后情況
單絨毛膜組圍生兒的新生兒窒息率、圍生兒病死率均顯著高于雙絨毛膜組,差異均有統計學意義(P < 0.05)。見表2。