2014-10-14 02:31:32
有 效 期:
- 三弟兄絲網制品有限公司
聯 系 人: 張賓
電 話: 86-0472-2608328
移動電話: 15848218098
傳 真: 86-0472-7141404
地 址: 包頭市東河區鐵西豪德貿易廣場西南區5棟2號
產品特點:1、抗紫外線(耐老化)產品表面經過噴塑處理,能吸收太陽光中的紫外線,降低了材料本身氧化速度,使產品具有較好的防老化性能,使用壽命提高。同時紫外線透過度低,避免了太陽光中料的損傷。2、阻燃性因為是金屬板所以有很好的阻燃性,均能滿足消防和安全生產的3、抗沖擊產品的強度高,可以承受冰雹(強風)的沖擊。沖擊強度試驗檢測,在試樣的中上方,用質量為1kg的鋼球,距波峰頂點1.5米的高度自由落下,產品沒有斷裂和貫穿的孔4、防靜電產品表面經過靜電噴塑處理,在受太陽光照射后,能把附著于產品表面的有機污物氧化分解,另外,其超親水性使塵土易于被雨水沖洗,起到自潔凈效果,無維護費用擋風板類型:單峰,雙峰三峰Baotou wind dust network there is no installation factoryWindbreak dust suppression wall uses, windbreak dust suppression wall, windbreak dust suppression wall surface treatment of wind-proof.dust suppressing wall product characteristic, wind board typeWindbreak dust suppression wall uses: mainly used in coal mines, coking plant, power plant.other enterprises plant coal reservoir of wind-proof.dust suppressing; port, wharf coal reservoir.various material field; steel, building materials, cement.other enterprises of various open pit quarry dust suppression; crop windproof, dustproof sandy weather bad environment; railway, highway coal cargo station coal storage yard, construction sites, road dust, the two sides of the highway. Single layer wind wall dust dust suppression effect up to 65~ 85%, double effect of wind-proof.dust suppressing wall is more than 95%.Material: low carbon steel plate, galvanized steel sheet, color coating steel, aluminum.magnesium alloy plate, stainless steel plate.Surface treatment: electrostatic powder spraying.Product features: 1, UV ( aging ) products through the surface spray treatment, can absorb ultraviolet light from the sun, reducing the material itself oxidation rate, so that the product has good aging resistance, improves the service life. At the same time, ultraviolet light through the low degree, avoid the sun material damage. In 2, flame retardant for metal plate so there are good flame retardance, can meet fire.safety 3, shock resistant high product intensity, can withstand the impact of hail ( wind ). Impact strength test, the sample above, with quality as the 1kg ball, from the wave peak height of 1.5 meters free fall, product without fracture.through hole 4, anti-static products surface through electrostatic spray processing, in exposure to the sun, can attach to the product surface organic soil oxidative decomposition of, in addition, the hydrophilicity of the dust is easy to be washed, the self-cleaning effect, maintenance-free windscreen types: single peak three peak, Shuangfeng