TJ系列絞肉機是我公司精心設計制造的電動絞肉機,該產品采用全封閉式齒輪傳動,結構緊湊,性能可靠,美觀大方,操作方便。絞肉機頭及接觸食品的零件均采用高級不銹鋼材料或鋁合金制造,易于清潔。 該機能絞豬肉、牛肉、羊肉及其他各種肉類,所絞肉質細膩均勻,是賓館,餐廳,單位食堂,肉食加工企業的理想加工設備。 The TJ series Meat Grinder is eleric meat grinder, designed.manufaured by our company. With fully enclosed gear driven system,it is compa,reliable,beautiful.easy to operate. The machine head.components touching meat is made of good quality stainless steel.aluminium alloy,so it is easy to clean. It can grind pork,beef,mutton as well as other kinds of meats,the ground meat is smooth.uniform.It is the ideal meat processing equipment for hotel,restaurant,dinning hall.meat processing units. 型號Model 額定電壓 Rated Voltage 電機功率Motor Power (Kw) 生產能力Output (kg/h) 外形尺寸Dimension (mm) 機器重量Machine Weight (kg) 下料截面尺寸(長條狀)Input Seion (strip shape) TJ12 220V 0.55 120 375*225*425 34.5kg 35*35mm TJ22 220V 0.75 220 420*250*435 43.5kg 40*40mm TJ32 3-380V 1.5 320 520*260*520 78kg 45*45mm TJ42 3-380V 4 500-1000 980*440*945 198kg 60*60mm